Thaddée was born in Rwanda. He has been teaching languages in a public secondary school since 2012. He won the Award for the Best Performing Teacher at school and sector level in 2017.
In addition to teaching, he currently carries out mentorship responsibilities. Qualified and selected to be a school based mentor (SBM), he trains and supports in-service teachers to improve their English skills and their teaching methodology so that they can effectively and professionally implement Rwanda’s new Competence Based Curriculum intended to improve quality education.
In addition, with a bilateral partnership between University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE) and the school, Thaddée serves as a School Attachment Mentor (SAM) assigned with the responsibility to provide support and professional guidance to UR-CE student-teachers (interns) and to direct their day to day activities while they are undertaking school attachment (internships) in secondary schools in order to complete their academic requirements.
He has been working with Generation Rise Rwanda since 2017 as one of the volunteer teachers who provide mentorship support to the students enrolled in Generation Rise’s Her Voice Matters Program, which aims at enhancing empowerment of the Rwandan youth, with a focus on female students.