Generation Rise

Jackson Mvugayabagabo

Jackson Mvugayabagabo
Board Member

Born and raised in Rwanda, Jackson is an in-country co-founder of Kepler, a nonprofit university program, whose vision and mission is to build a global model of accessible and excellent higher education. He also worked for the same institution as the Lead Course Facilitator and Employer Relations Coordinator, which resulted to career and employment opportunities of nearly 90% of the first cohort before its graduation.

Jackson’s career has spanned 9 years with various top leadership positions at Miracle Corners of the World and Kepler-Generation Rwanda, Mothering Across Continents and now with Imbuto Foundation. Many of his assignments involved managing innovative education projects ranging from secondary school education, short-term skills capacity building for youth and university. At several occasions, he served as a speaker to different youth groups on the role of education to bring sustainable peace around the world; as well as career guidance.

Jackson is currently the Head of Knowledge Development and Dissemination Department at Imbuto Foundation. Founded in 2001 by H.E the First Lady of the Republic of Rwanda, Mrs Jeannette Kagame, Imbuto Foundation is a National Non-Profit Organization (NGO) that aims at supporting the development of a healthy, educated and prosperous society.